Structureswift-png 4.4.5LZ77
Gzip.Deflator.swift:4@frozen struct Deflator
See also
func push(ArraySlice<UInt8>, last: Bool
) func pull(
) -> [UInt8]? Returns a block of gzip-compressed data from this deflator, if available. If no compressed data blocks have been completed yet, this method flushes and returns the incomplete block.
func pop(
) -> [UInt8]? Removes and returns a complete block of gzip-compressed data from this deflator, if available.
Other members in extension
Type members
static func archive(bytes: ArraySlice<UInt8>, level: Int, hint: Int
) -> [UInt8] Archives data using gzip.
static func extract(from: ArraySlice<UInt8>
) throws -> [UInt8] Extracts gzip-compressed data.