XcodeBuildSystem.swift:32final class XcodeBuildSystem
final class XcodeBuildSystem
import XCBuildSupport
protocol BuildSystem : Cancellable
A protocol that represents a build system used by SwiftPM for all build operations. This allows factoring out the implementation details between SwiftPM’s BuildOperation
and the XCBuild backed XCBuildSystem
protocol Cancellable
init(buildParameters: BuildParameters, packageGraphLoader: @escaping () throws -> ModulesGraph, outputStream: OutputByteStream, logLevel: Basics.Diagnostic.Severity, fileSystem: FileSystem, observabilityScope: ObservabilityScope) throws
var buildPlan: SPMBuildCore.BuildPlan { get throws }
var builtTestProducts: [BuiltTestProduct] { get }
weak var delegate: SPMBuildCore.BuildSystemDelegate?
func build(subset: BuildSubset) throws
func cancel(deadline: DispatchTime) throws
func getPackageGraph() throws -> ModulesGraph
Returns the package graph using the graph loader closure.
func build() throws
Builds the default subset: all targets excluding tests.