Instance Methodswift-package-manager 6.0.3XCBuildSupport
Parse the next bytes of the Swift compiler JSON output.
func parse<C>(bytes: C) where C : Collection, C.Element == UInt8
Parse the next bytes of the Swift compiler JSON output.
func parse<C>(bytes: C) where C : Collection, C.Element == UInt8
What are these?2WUEX
import XCBuildSupport
final class XCBuildOutputParser
Parser for XCBuild output.
protocol Collection<Element> : Sequence
A sequence whose elements can be traversed multiple times, nondestructively, and accessed by an indexed subscript.
associatedtype Element where Self.Element == Self.Iterator.Element
A type representing the sequence’s elements.
@frozen struct UInt8
An 8-bit unsigned integer value type.
init(delegate: XCBuildOutputParserDelegate)
Initializes the parser with a delegate to notify of parsing events.
weak var delegate: XCBuildOutputParserDelegate?
Delegate to notify of parsing events.
func jsonMessageStreamingParser(_ parser: JSONMessageStreamingParser<XCBuildOutputParser>, didFailWith error: Error)
func jsonMessageStreamingParser(_ parser: JSONMessageStreamingParser<XCBuildOutputParser>, didParse message: XCBuildMessage)
func jsonMessageStreamingParser(_ parser: JSONMessageStreamingParser<XCBuildOutputParser>, didParseRawText text: String)