PIF.swift:758final class ResourcesBuildPhase
final class ResourcesBuildPhase
import XCBuildSupport
enum PIF
The Project Interchange Format (PIF) is a structured representation of the project model created by clients (Xcode/SwiftPM) to send to XCBuild.
class BuildPhase
Abstract base class for all build phases in a target.
static func sign(_ workspace: PIF.Workspace) throws
Add signature to workspace and its subobjects.
final class AggregateTarget
class BaseTarget
struct BuildConfiguration
A build configuration, which is a named collection of build settings.
struct BuildFile
A build file, representing the membership of either a file or target product reference in a build phase.
struct BuildSettings
A set of build settings, which is represented as a struct of optional build settings. This is not optimally efficient, but it is great for code completion and type-checking.
final class FileReference
A reference to a file system entity (a file, folder, etc).
final class FrameworksBuildPhase
A “frameworks” build phase, i.e. one that links compiled code and libraries into the executable of the product.
final class Group
A group that can contain References (FileReferences and other Groups). The resolved path of a group is used as the base path for any child references whose source tree type is GroupRelative.
final class HeadersBuildPhase
A “headers” build phase, i.e. one that copies headers into a directory of the product, after suitable processing.
struct ImpartedBuildProperties
struct PlatformFilter
Represents a generic platform filter.
final class Project
A PIF project, consisting of a tree of groups and file references, a list of targets, and some additional information.
class Reference
Abstract base class for all items in the group hierarchy.
final class SourcesBuildPhase
A “sources” build phase, i.e. one that compiles sources and provides them to be linked into the executable code of the product.
final class Target
An Xcode target, representing a single entity to build.
struct TargetDependency
Represents a dependency on another target (identified by its PIF GUID).
struct TopLevelObject
The top-level PIF object.
class TypedObject
final class Workspace
typealias GUID = String
The type used for identifying PIF objects.
protocol Decodable
A type that can decode itself from an external representation.
protocol Encodable
A type that can encode itself to an external representation.