Instance Propertyswift-package-manager 6.0.3XCBuildSupport
PIF.swift:153var projectDirectory: AbsolutePath
var projectDirectory: AbsolutePath
What are these?96MI5
import XCBuildSupport
final class Project
A PIF project, consisting of a tree of groups and file references, a list of targets, and some additional information.
enum PIF
The Project Interchange Format (PIF) is a structured representation of the project model created by clients (Xcode/SwiftPM) to send to XCBuild.
struct AbsolutePath
Represents an absolute file system path, independently of what (or whether anything at all) exists at that path in the file system at any given time. An absolute path always starts with a /
character, and holds a normalized string representation. This normalization is strictly syntactic, and does not access the file system in any way.
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
init(guid: GUID, name: String, path: AbsolutePath, projectDirectory: AbsolutePath, developmentRegion: String, buildConfigurations: [BuildConfiguration], targets: [BaseTarget], groupTree: Group)
var buildConfigurations: [BuildConfiguration]
var developmentRegion: String
var groupTree: Group
let guid: GUID
var name: String
var path: AbsolutePath
var targets: [BaseTarget]
override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws