Instance Propertyswift-package-manager 6.0.3Workspace
The source of the artifact (local or remote).
let source: Source
The source of the artifact (local or remote).
let source: Source
import Workspace
struct ManagedArtifact
A downloaded artifact managed by the workspace.
class Workspace
A workspace represents the state of a working project directory.
enum Source
Represents the source of the artifact.
init(packageRef: PackageReference, targetName: String, source: Source, path: AbsolutePath, kind: BinaryModule.Kind)
static func local(packageRef: PackageReference, targetName: String, path: AbsolutePath, kind: BinaryModule.Kind, checksum: String? = nil) -> ManagedArtifact
Create an artifact present locally on the filesystem.
static func remote(packageRef: PackageReference, targetName: String, url: String, checksum: String, path: AbsolutePath, kind: BinaryModule.Kind) -> ManagedArtifact
Create an artifact downloaded from a remote url.
var description: String { get }
let kind: BinaryModule.Kind
let packageRef: PackageReference
The package reference.
let path: AbsolutePath
The path of the artifact on disk
let targetName: String
The name of the binary target the artifact corresponds to.