ManagedArtifact.swift:35init(packageRef: PackageReference, targetName: String, source: Source, path: AbsolutePath, kind: BinaryModule.Kind)
init(packageRef: PackageReference, targetName: String, source: Source, path: AbsolutePath, kind: BinaryModule.Kind)
What are these?3R21H
import Workspace
struct ManagedArtifact
A downloaded artifact managed by the workspace.
class Workspace
A workspace represents the state of a working project directory.
struct PackageReference
A package reference.
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
enum Source
Represents the source of the artifact.
struct AbsolutePath
Represents an absolute file system path, independently of what (or whether anything at all) exists at that path in the file system at any given time. An absolute path always starts with a /
character, and holds a normalized string representation. This normalization is strictly syntactic, and does not access the file system in any way.
final class BinaryModule
enum Kind
static func local(packageRef: PackageReference, targetName: String, path: AbsolutePath, kind: BinaryModule.Kind, checksum: String? = nil) -> ManagedArtifact
Create an artifact present locally on the filesystem.
static func remote(packageRef: PackageReference, targetName: String, url: String, checksum: String, path: AbsolutePath, kind: BinaryModule.Kind) -> ManagedArtifact
Create an artifact downloaded from a remote url.
var description: String { get }
let kind: BinaryModule.Kind
let packageRef: PackageReference
The package reference.
let path: AbsolutePath
The path of the artifact on disk
let source: Source
The source of the artifact (local or remote).
let targetName: String
The name of the binary target the artifact corresponds to.