Instance Methodswift-package-manager 6.0.3SourceControl
Changes URL for the remote.
func setURL(remote: String, url: String) throws
Changes URL for the remote.
func setURL(remote: String, url: String) throws
What are these?1UZVD
import SourceControl
final class GitRepository
A basic Git repository in the local file system (almost always a clone of a remote). This class is thread safe.
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
convenience init(path: AbsolutePath, isWorkingRepo: Bool = true, cancellator: Cancellator? = .none)
let path: AbsolutePath
The path of the repository in the local file system.
func archive(to path: AbsolutePath) throws
func areIgnored(_ paths: [Basics.AbsolutePath]) throws -> [Bool]
func checkout(newBranch: String) throws
func checkout(revision: Revision) throws
func checkout(tag: String) throws
func exists(revision: Revision) -> Bool
Returns true if a revision exists.
func fetch() throws
func fetch(progress: FetchProgress.Handler? = nil) throws
func getBranches() throws -> [String]
func getCurrentRevision() throws -> Revision
func getCurrentTag() -> String?
func getDefaultBranch() throws -> String
func getTags() throws -> [String]
Returns the tags present in repository.
func hasUncommittedChanges() -> Bool
func hasUnpushedCommits() throws -> Bool
func isAlternateObjectStoreValid(expected: AbsolutePath) -> Bool
Returns true if there is an alternative object store in the repository and it is valid.
func openFileView(revision: Revision) throws -> FileSystem
func openFileView(tag: String) throws -> FileSystem
func readCommit(hash: Hash) throws -> Commit
Read the commit referenced by hash
func readTree(hash: Hash) throws -> Tree
Read a tree object.
func readTree(location: Tree.Location) throws -> Tree
Read a tree object.
func readTree(tag: String) throws -> Tree
func remotes() throws -> [(name: String, url: String)]
Gets the current list of remotes of the repository.
func resolveHash(treeish: String, type: String? = nil) throws -> Hash
Resolve a “treeish” to a concrete hash.
func resolveRevision(identifier: String) throws -> Revision
func resolveRevision(tag: String) throws -> Revision
struct Commit
A commit object.
struct Hash
A hash object.
struct Tree
A tree object.