Instance Methodswift-package-manager 6.0.1PackageRegistry
RegistryConfiguration.swift:87mutating func removeAuthentication(for registryURL: URL)
mutating func removeAuthentication(for registryURL: URL)
What are these?3KN7M
import PackageRegistry
struct RegistryConfiguration
struct URL
A URL is a type that can potentially contain the location of a resource on a remote server, the path of a local file on disk, or even an arbitrary piece of encoded data.
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
static let version: Version
var defaultRegistry: Registry?
var explicitlyConfigured: Bool { get }
var registryAuthentication: [String : Authentication]
var scopedRegistries: [PackageIdentity.Scope : Registry]
var security: Security?
mutating func add(authentication: Authentication, for registryURL: URL) throws
func authentication(for registryURL: URL) throws -> Authentication?
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
mutating func merge(_ other: RegistryConfiguration)
func registry(for scope: PackageIdentity.Scope) -> Registry?
func registry(for package: PackageIdentity) -> Registry?
func signing(for package: PackageIdentity.RegistryIdentity, registry: Registry) -> Security.Signing
struct Authentication
enum AuthenticationType
struct Security
enum Version