Represents a target consisting of a source code module, containing either Swift or source files in one of the C-based languages.
protocol SourceModuleTarget : Target
Browse conforming typesRepresents a target consisting of a source code module, containing either Swift or source files in one of the C-based languages.
protocol SourceModuleTarget : Target
import PackagePlugin
protocol Target
Represents a single target defined in a package.
var kind: ModuleKind { get }
The kind of module, describing whether it contains unit tests, contains the main entry point of an executable, or neither.
var linkedFrameworks: [String] { get }
Any custom linked frameworks required by the module, as specified in the package manifest.
var linkedLibraries: [String] { get }
Any custom linked libraries required by the module, as specified in the package manifest.
var moduleName: String { get }
The name of the module produced by the target (derived from the target name, though future SwiftPM versions may allow this to be customized).
var pluginGeneratedResources: [URL] { get }
Paths of any resources generated by other plugins that have been applied to the given target before the plugin currently being executed.
var pluginGeneratedSources: [URL] { get }
Paths of any sources generated by other plugins that have been applied to the given target before the plugin currently being executed.
var sourceFiles: FileList { get }
The source files that are associated with this target (any files that have been excluded in the manifest have already been filtered out).
func sourceFiles(withSuffix suffix: String) -> FileList
A possibly empty list of source files in the target that have the given filename suffix.