The diagnostic triggered when the package has an unsupported tools version.
struct UnsupportedToolsVersion
The diagnostic triggered when the package has an unsupported tools version.
struct UnsupportedToolsVersion
import PackageModel
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Error : Sendable
A type representing an error value that can be thrown.
protocol Sendable
init(packageIdentity: PackageIdentity, packageVersion: String? = nil, currentToolsVersion: ToolsVersion, packageToolsVersion: ToolsVersion)
let currentToolsVersion: ToolsVersion
The current tools version support by the tools.
var description: String { get }
let packageIdentity: PackageIdentity
The identity of the package.
let packageToolsVersion: ToolsVersion
The tools version of the package.
let packageVersion: String?
The version of the package.
var interpolationDescription: String { get }
var localizedDescription: String { get }
Retrieve the localized description for this error.