Instance Property (Default implementation)swift-package-manager 6.0.3PackageModel
Toolchain.swift:103var extraCCFlags: [String] { get }
var extraCCFlags: [String] { get }
import PackageModel
protocol Toolchain
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
var extraCCFlags: [String] { get }
Additional flags to be passed to the C compiler.
static func toolchainLibDir(swiftCompilerPath: AbsolutePath) throws -> AbsolutePath
var extraCPPFlags: [String] { get }
var extraSwiftCFlags: [String] { get }
var hostLibDir: AbsolutePath { get throws }
var macosSwiftStdlib: AbsolutePath { get throws }
var toolchainLibDir: AbsolutePath { get throws }
func _isClangCompilerVendorApple() throws -> Bool?
func swiftResourcesPath(isStatic: Bool) -> AbsolutePath?
Returns the appropriate Swift resources directory path.