Additional flags to be passed to the C compiler.
This declaration is deprecated: use extraFlags.cCompilerFlags instead
var extraCCFlags: [String] { get }
Additional flags to be passed to the C compiler.
This declaration is deprecated: use extraFlags.cCompilerFlags instead
var extraCCFlags: [String] { get }
import PackageModel
protocol Toolchain
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
var extraFlags: BuildFlags { get }
Additional flags to be passed to the build tools.
var includeSearchPaths: [AbsolutePath] { get }
An array of paths to search for headers and modules at compile time.
var installedSwiftPMConfiguration: InstalledSwiftPMConfiguration { get }
Configuration from the used toolchain.
var librarianPath: AbsolutePath { get }
Path of the librarian.
var librarySearchPaths: [AbsolutePath] { get }
An array of paths to search for libraries at link time.
var macosSwiftStdlib: AbsolutePath { get throws }
Path containing the macOS Swift stdlib.
var sdkRootPath: AbsolutePath? { get }
The root path to the Swift SDK used by this toolchain.
var swiftCompilerPath: AbsolutePath { get }
Path of the swiftc
var swiftResourcesPath: AbsolutePath? { get }
Path to lib/swift
var swiftStaticResourcesPath: AbsolutePath? { get }
Path to lib/swift_static
func _isClangCompilerVendorApple() throws -> Bool?
Returns true if clang compiler’s vendor is Apple and nil if unknown.
func getClangCompiler() throws -> AbsolutePath
Path of the clang
var extraCPPFlags: [String] { get }
Additional flags to be passed to the C++ compiler.
var extraSwiftCFlags: [String] { get }
Additional flags to be passed to the Swift compiler.
var extraCCFlags: [String] { get }