SwiftSDKBundleStore.swift:21final class SwiftSDKBundleStore
final class SwiftSDKBundleStore
import PackageModel
init(swiftSDKsDirectory: AbsolutePath, fileSystem: any FileSystem, observabilityScope: ObservabilityScope, outputHandler: @escaping (Output) -> Void, downloadProgressAnimation: ProgressAnimationProtocol? = nil)
var allValidBundles: [SwiftSDKBundle] { get throws }
An array of valid Swift SDK bundles stored in SwiftSDKBundleStore//swiftSDKsDirectory
func install(bundlePathOrURL: String, checksum: String? = nil, _ archiver: any Archiver, _ httpClient: HTTPClient = .init(), hasher: ((_ archivePath: AbsolutePath) throws -> String)? = nil) async throws
Installs a Swift SDK bundle from a given path or URL to SwiftSDKBundleStore//swiftSDKsDirectory
func selectBundle(matching selector: String, hostTriple: Triple) throws -> SwiftSDK
Select a Swift SDK matching a given query and host triple from all Swift SDKs available in SwiftSDKBundleStore//swiftSDKsDirectory
enum Output