init(hostTriple: Triple? = nil, targetTriple: Triple? = nil, toolset: Toolset, pathsConfiguration: PathsConfiguration, xctestSupport: XCTestSupport = .supported)
Creates a Swift SDK with the specified properties.
static func deriveTargetSwiftSDK(hostSwiftSDK: SwiftSDK, hostTriple: Triple, customCompileDestination: AbsolutePath? = nil, customCompileTriple: Triple? = nil, customCompileToolchain: AbsolutePath? = nil, customCompileSDK: AbsolutePath? = nil, swiftSDKSelector: String? = nil, architectures: [String] = [], store: SwiftSDKBundleStore, observabilityScope: ObservabilityScope, fileSystem: FileSystem) throws -> SwiftSDK
Computes the target Swift SDK for the given options.
init(hostTriple: Triple? = nil, targetTriple: Triple? = nil, sdkRootDir: AbsolutePath?, toolchainBinDir: AbsolutePath, extraFlags: BuildFlags = BuildFlags())
Creates a Swift SDK with the specified properties.
init(target: Triple? = nil, sdk: AbsolutePath?, binDir: AbsolutePath, extraCCFlags: [String] = [], extraSwiftCFlags: [String] = [], extraCPPFlags: [String] = [])
Creates a Swift SDK with the specified properties.