Additional flags to be passed to the build tools.
This declaration is deprecated: use `toolset` and its properties instead
var extraFlags: BuildFlags { get }
Additional flags to be passed to the build tools.
This declaration is deprecated: use `toolset` and its properties instead
var extraFlags: BuildFlags { get }
import PackageModel
struct SwiftSDK
Swift SDK model type which has information about everything that’s required to build a SwiftPM package for a certain platform.
struct BuildFlags
Build-tool independent flags.
init(hostTriple: Triple? = nil, targetTriple: Triple? = nil, toolset: Toolset, pathsConfiguration: PathsConfiguration, xctestSupport: XCTestSupport = .supported)
Creates a Swift SDK with the specified properties.
static func decode(fromFile path: AbsolutePath, fileSystem: FileSystem, observabilityScope: ObservabilityScope) throws -> [SwiftSDK]
Load a SwiftSDK
description from a JSON representation from disk.
static func defaultSwiftSDK(for targetTriple: Triple, hostSDK: SwiftSDK) -> SwiftSDK?
Returns a default Swift SDK of a given target environment.
static func deriveTargetSwiftSDK(hostSwiftSDK: SwiftSDK, hostTriple: Triple, customCompileDestination: AbsolutePath? = nil, customCompileTriple: Triple? = nil, customCompileToolchain: AbsolutePath? = nil, customCompileSDK: AbsolutePath? = nil, swiftSDKSelector: String? = nil, architectures: [String] = [], store: SwiftSDKBundleStore, observabilityScope: ObservabilityScope, fileSystem: FileSystem) throws -> SwiftSDK
Computes the target Swift SDK for the given options.
static func hostSwiftSDK(_ binDir: AbsolutePath? = nil, environment: Environment = .current, observabilityScope: ObservabilityScope? = nil, fileSystem: any FileSystem = localFileSystem) throws -> SwiftSDK
The Swift SDK for the host platform.
static func sdkPlatformFrameworkPaths(environment: Environment = .current) throws -> (fwk: AbsolutePath, lib: AbsolutePath)
Returns macosx
sdk platform framework path.
var architectures: [String]?
The architectures to build for. We build for host architecture if this is empty.
let hostTriple: Triple?
The clang/LLVM triple describing the host platform that supports this Swift SDK.
var pathsConfiguration: PathsConfiguration
Configuration of file system paths used by this Swift SDK when building.
var targetTriple: Triple?
The clang/LLVM triple describing the target OS and architecture.
var toolset: Toolset { get }
Set of tools and their properties used for building code for the target triple. While a serialized Swift SDK metadata may specify multiple toolset files, these files are consolidated into a single Toolset
value during deserialization.
let xctestSupport: XCTestSupport
Whether or not the receiver supports using XCTest.
mutating func append(toolsetRootPath: AbsolutePath)
Appends a path to the array of toolset root paths.
mutating func applyPathCLIOptions()
Propagates toolchain and SDK paths known to the Swift SDK to swiftc
CLI options.
mutating func prepend(toolsetRootPath path: AbsolutePath)
Prepends a path to the array of toolset root paths.
struct PathsConfiguration
enum XCTestSupport
Whether or not the receiver supports testing using XCTest.
init(hostTriple: Triple? = nil, targetTriple: Triple? = nil, sdkRootDir: AbsolutePath?, toolchainBinDir: AbsolutePath, extraFlags: BuildFlags = BuildFlags())
Creates a Swift SDK with the specified properties.
init(hostTriple: Triple? = nil, targetTriple: Triple? = nil, toolset: Toolset, pathsConfiguration: PathsConfiguration, supportsTesting: Bool)
Creates a Swift SDK with the specified properties.
init(target: Triple? = nil, sdk: AbsolutePath?, binDir: AbsolutePath, extraCCFlags: [String] = [], extraSwiftCFlags: [String] = [], extraCPPFlags: [String] = [])
Creates a Swift SDK with the specified properties.
static func defaultDestination(for triple: Triple, host: SwiftSDK) -> SwiftSDK?
Returns a default Swift SDK for a given target environment
static func hostDestination(_ binDir: AbsolutePath? = nil, originalWorkingDirectory: AbsolutePath? = nil, environment: Environment) throws -> SwiftSDK
The Swift SDK describing the host platform.
var binDir: AbsolutePath { get }
Path to a directory containing the toolchain (compilers/linker) to be used for the compilation.
var extraCCFlags: [String] { get }
Additional flags to be passed to the C compiler.
var extraCPPFlags: [String] { get }
Additional flags to be passed to the C++ compiler.
var extraSwiftCFlags: [String] { get }
Additional flags to be passed to the Swift compiler.
var sdk: AbsolutePath? { get set }
Root directory path of the SDK used to compile for the target triple.
var sdkRootDir: AbsolutePath? { get set }
Root directory path of the SDK used to compile for the target triple.
var supportsTesting: Bool { get }
Whether or not the receiver supports testing.
var toolchainBinDir: AbsolutePath { get }
Path to a directory containing the toolchain (compilers/linker) to be used for the compilation.