SwiftModule.swift:19final class SwiftModule
final class SwiftModule
import PackageModel
class Module
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
init(name: String, dependencies: [Module.Dependency], packageAccess: Bool, testDiscoverySrc: Sources)
init(name: String, dependencies: [Module.Dependency], packageAccess: Bool, testEntryPointPath: AbsolutePath)
Create an executable Swift target from test entry point file.
init(name: String, potentialBundleName: String? = nil, type: Kind, path: AbsolutePath, sources: Sources, resources: [Resource] = [], ignored: [AbsolutePath] = [], others: [AbsolutePath] = [], dependencies: [Module.Dependency] = [], packageAccess: Bool, declaredSwiftVersions: [SwiftLanguageVersion] = [], buildSettings: BuildSettings.AssignmentTable = .init(), buildSettingsDescription: [TargetBuildSettingDescription.Setting] = [], pluginUsages: [PluginUsage] = [], usesUnsafeFlags: Bool)
static let defaultTestEntryPointName: String
The default name for the test entry point file located in a package.
static var testEntryPointNames: [String] { get }
The list of all supported names for the test entry point file located in a package.
override class var typeDescription: String { get }
Description of the module type used in swift package describe
output. Preserved for backwards compatibility.
let declaredSwiftVersions: [SwiftLanguageVersion]
The list of swift versions declared by the manifest.
var supportsTestableExecutablesFeature: Bool { get }