Instance Propertyswift-package-manager 6.0.3PackageModel
RegistryReleaseMetadata.swift:39let scmRepositoryURLs: [SourceControlURL]?
let scmRepositoryURLs: [SourceControlURL]?
What are these?8K3XW
import PackageModel
struct Metadata
Metadata of the given release, provided by the registry.
struct RegistryReleaseMetadata
struct SourceControlURL
init(author: RegistryReleaseMetadata.Metadata.Author? = nil, description: String? = nil, licenseURL: URL? = nil, readmeURL: URL? = nil, scmRepositoryURLs: [SourceControlURL]?)
let author: Author?
let description: String?
let licenseURL: URL?
let readmeURL: URL?
struct Author
struct Organization