Represents dependency of a resolved module.
enum Dependency
Represents dependency of a resolved module.
enum Dependency
import PackageGraph
struct ResolvedModule
Represents a fully resolved module. All the dependencies for this module are also stored as resolved.
case module(_: ResolvedModule, conditions: [PackageCondition])
Direct dependency of the module. This module is in the same package and should be statically linked.
case product(_: ResolvedProduct, conditions: [PackageCondition])
The module depends on this product.
init(packageIdentity: PackageIdentity, underlying: Module, dependencies: [ResolvedModule.Dependency], defaultLocalization: String? = nil, supportedPlatforms: [SupportedPlatform], platformVersionProvider: PlatformVersionProvider)
Create a resolved module instance.
var buildTriple: BuildTriple { get set }
Triple for which this resolved module should be compiled for.
var c99name: String { get }
The language-level module name.
let defaultLocalization: String?
The default localization for resources.
var dependencies: [Dependency] { get }
The dependencies of this module.
var description: String { get }
var id: ID { get }
var moduleAliases: [String : String]? { get }
Module aliases for dependencies of this module. The key is an original module name and the value is a new unique name mapped to the name of its .swiftmodule binary.
var name: String { get }
The name of this module.
var packageAccess: Bool { get }
Allows access to package symbols from other modules in the package
let platformVersionProvider: PlatformVersionProvider
var sources: Sources { get }
The sources for the module.
let supportedPlatforms: [SupportedPlatform]
The list of platforms that are supported by this module.
var type: Module.Kind { get }
The “type” of the module.
let underlying: Module
The underlying module represented in this resolved module.
func dependencies(satisfying environment: BuildEnvironment) -> [Dependency]
Returns dependencies which satisfy the input build environment, based on their conditions.
func getSupportedPlatform(for platform: Platform, usingXCTest: Bool) -> SupportedPlatform
func recursiveDependencies() throws -> [Dependency]
Returns the recursive dependencies, across the whole package-graph.
func recursiveDependencies(satisfying environment: BuildEnvironment) throws -> [Dependency]
Returns the recursive dependencies, across the whole modules graph, which satisfy the input build environment, based on their conditions.
func recursiveModuleDependencies() throws -> [ResolvedModule]
Returns the recursive module dependencies, across the whole package-graph.
struct ID
Resolved module identity that uniquely identifies it in a modules graph.
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol CustomStringConvertible
A type with a customized textual representation.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Escapable
protocol Hashable : Equatable
A type that can be hashed into a Hasher
to produce an integer hash value.
protocol Identifiable<ID>
A class of types whose instances hold the value of an entity with stable identity.
var conditions: [PackageCondition] { get }
var dependencies: [ResolvedModule.Dependency] { get }
Returns the direct dependencies of the underlying dependency, across the package graph.
var description: String { get }
var id: ID { get }
var module: ResolvedModule? { get }
var packageDependencies: [ResolvedModule.Dependency] { get }
Returns the direct dependencies of the underlying dependency, limited to the module’s package.
var product: ResolvedProduct? { get }
static func == (lhs: ResolvedModule.Dependency, rhs: ResolvedModule.Dependency) -> Bool
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
func satisfies(_ environment: BuildEnvironment) -> Bool
struct ID
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.