Required Instance Methodswift-package-manager 6.0.3PackageGraph
Get the list of versions in the repository sorted in the descending order, that is the latest version appears first.
func versionsDescending() throws -> [Version]
Get the list of versions in the repository sorted in the descending order, that is the latest version appears first.
func versionsDescending() throws -> [Version]
What are these?5AKDC
import PackageGraph
protocol PackageContainer
A container of packages.
var package: PackageReference { get }
The identifier for the package.
var shouldInvalidatePinnedVersions: Bool { get }
func getDependencies(at version: Version, productFilter: ProductFilter) throws -> [PackageContainerConstraint]
Fetch the declared dependencies for a particular version.
func getDependencies(at revision: String, productFilter: ProductFilter) throws -> [PackageContainerConstraint]
Fetch the declared dependencies for a particular revision.
func getUnversionedDependencies(productFilter: ProductFilter) throws -> [PackageContainerConstraint]
Fetch the dependencies of an unversioned package container.
func isToolsVersionCompatible(at version: Version) -> Bool
Returns true if the tools version is compatible at the given version.
func loadPackageReference(at boundVersion: BoundVersion) throws -> PackageReference
Get the updated identifier at a bound version.
func toolsVersion(for version: Version) throws -> ToolsVersion
Returns the tools version for the given version
func toolsVersionsAppropriateVersionsDescending() throws -> [Version]
Get the list of versions which are available for the package.
func versionsAscending() throws -> [Version]
Get the list of versions in the repository sorted in the ascending order, that is the earliest version appears first.
func versionsDescending() throws -> [Version]