Returns whether this cause can be represented in a single line of the error output.
var isSingleLine: Bool { get }
Returns whether this cause can be represented in a single line of the error output.
var isSingleLine: Bool { get }
What are these?2KYK6
import PackageGraph
indirect enum Cause
Every incompatibility has a cause to explain its presence in the derivation graph. Only the root incompatibility uses .root
. All other incompatibilities are either obtained from dependency constraints, decided upon in decision making or derived during unit propagation or conflict resolution. Using this information we can build up a derivation graph by following the tree of causes. All leaf nodes are external dependencies and all internal nodes are derived incompatibilities.
struct Incompatibility
A set of terms that are incompatible with each other and can therefore not all be true at the same time. In dependency resolution, these are derived from version requirements and when running into unresolvable situations.
@frozen struct Bool
A value type whose instances are either true
or false
var isConflict: Bool { get }
struct ConflictCause