The system package providers that this package uses.
PackageDescription.swift:376SystemPackageProvider.mdenum SystemPackageProvider
Providing Hints to Users of System Packages
static func brew([String]
) -> SystemPackageProvider Creates a system package provider with a list of installable packages for people who use the HomeBrew package manager on macOS.
static func apt([String]
) -> SystemPackageProvider Creates a system package provider with a list of installable packages for users of the apt-get package manager on Ubuntu Linux.
static func yum([String]
) -> SystemPackageProvider Creates a system package provider with a list of installable packages for users of the yum package manager on Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS.
case brewItem([String])
Packages installable by the HomeBrew package manager.
case aptItem([String])
Packages installable by the apt-get package manager.
case yumItem([String])
Packages installable by the Yellowdog Updated, Modified (YUM) package manager.
case nugetItem([String])
Packages installable by the NuGet package manager.
See also
var pkgConfig: String?
The name to use for C modules.
var providers: [SystemPackageProvider]?
An array of providers for a system target.
Citizens in PackageDescription
Type members
static func nuget([String]
) -> SystemPackageProvider Creates a system package provider with a list of installable packages for users of the NuGet package manager on Linux or Windows.