Static Methodswift-package-manager 6.0.1PackageDescription
Provides a header search path relative to the target’s directory.
BuildSettings.swift:211- SwiftPM
- 5.0+
static func headerSearchPath(_ path: String, _ condition: BuildSettingCondition? = nil) -> CXXSetting
Use this setting to add a search path for headers within your target. You can’t use absolute paths and you can’t use this setting to provide headers that are visible to other targets.
The path must be a directory inside the package.
See also
static func define(String, to: String?, BuildSettingCondition?
) -> CXXSetting Defines a value for a macro.
static func unsafeFlags([String], BuildSettingCondition?
) -> CXXSetting Sets unsafe flags to pass arbitrary command-line flags to the corresponding build tool.