Structureswift-package-manager 6.0.3Basics
SwiftVersion.swift:19struct SwiftVersion
struct SwiftVersion
import Basics
protocol Sendable
static let current: SwiftVersion
The current version of the package manager.
var buildIdentifier: String?
Build information, as an unstructured string.
var completeDisplayString: String { get }
The complete product version display string (including the name).
var displayString: String { get }
The version as a readable string.
var isDevelopment: Bool
Whether or not this is a development version.
var major: Int { get }
The major component of the version number.
var minor: Int { get }
The minor component of the version number.
var patch: Int { get }
The patch component of the version number.
var version: (major: Int, minor: Int, patch: Int)
The version number.