Structureswift-package-manager 6.0.3Basics
Represents a prepared statement.
struct PreparedStatement
Represents a prepared statement.
struct PreparedStatement
import Basics
final class SQLite
A minimal SQLite wrapper.
init(location: Location, configuration: Configuration = Configuration()) throws
Create or open the database at the given path.
let configuration: Configuration
The configuration for the database.
let location: Location
The location of the database.
func close() throws
func exec(query queryString: String, args: [CVarArg] = [], _ callback: SQLiteExecCallback? = nil) throws
Directly execute the given query.
func prepare(query: String) throws -> PreparedStatement
Prepare the given query.
struct Column
struct Configuration
enum Errors
enum Location
struct Row
Represents a row returned by called step() on a prepared statement.
enum SQLiteValue
Represents an sqlite value.
typealias SQLiteExecCallback = ([Column]) -> Void
convenience init(dbPath: AbsolutePath) throws
init(db: OpaquePointer, query: String) throws
func bind(_ arguments: [SQLiteValue]) throws
Bind the given arguments to the statement.
func clearBindings() throws
Clear bindings from the prepared statement.
func finalize() throws
Finalize the statement and free up resources.
func reset() throws
Reset the prepared statement.
@discardableResult func step() throws -> Row?
Evaluate the prepared statement.