Structureswift-package-manager 6.0.3Basics
SQLite.swift:198struct Column
struct Column
import Basics
final class SQLite
A minimal SQLite wrapper.
init(location: Location, configuration: Configuration = Configuration()) throws
Create or open the database at the given path.
let configuration: Configuration
The configuration for the database.
let location: Location
The location of the database.
func close() throws
func exec(query queryString: String, args: [CVarArg] = [], _ callback: SQLiteExecCallback? = nil) throws
Directly execute the given query.
func prepare(query: String) throws -> PreparedStatement
Prepare the given query.
struct Configuration
enum Errors
enum Location
struct PreparedStatement
Represents a prepared statement.
struct Row
Represents a row returned by called step() on a prepared statement.
enum SQLiteValue
Represents an sqlite value.
typealias SQLiteExecCallback = ([Column]) -> Void
convenience init(dbPath: AbsolutePath) throws
var name: String
var value: String