Concrete FileSystem implementation which simulates an empty disk.
final class InMemoryFileSystem
Concrete FileSystem implementation which simulates an empty disk.
final class InMemoryFileSystem
import Basics
protocol Sendable
convenience init(emptyFiles files: String...)
Create a new file system with an empty file at each provided path.
convenience init(emptyFiles files: [String])
Create a new file system with an empty file at each provided path.
convenience init(files: [String : ByteString])
Create a new file system with the given files, provided as a map from file path to contents.
var cachesDirectory: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath? { get }
var currentWorkingDirectory: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath? { get }
Virtualized current working directory.
var homeDirectory: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath { get throws }
var tempDirectory: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath { get throws }
func changeCurrentWorkingDirectory(to path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) throws
func chmod(_ mode: FileMode, path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, options: Set<FileMode.Option>) throws
func copy() -> InMemoryFileSystem
Creates deep copy of the object.
func copy(from sourcePath: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, to destinationPath: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) throws
func createDirectory(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, recursive: Bool) throws
func createSymbolicLink(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, pointingAt destination: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, relative: Bool) throws
func exists(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, followSymlink: Bool) -> Bool
func getDirectoryContents(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) throws -> [String]
func isDirectory(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) -> Bool
func isExecutableFile(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) -> Bool
func isFile(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) -> Bool
func isReadable(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) -> Bool
func isSymlink(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) -> Bool
func isWritable(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) -> Bool
func move(from sourcePath: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, to destinationPath: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) throws
func readFileContents(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) throws -> ByteString
func removeFileTree(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath) throws
func updatePermissions(_ path: AbsolutePath, isExecutable: Bool) throws
func withLock<T>(on path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, type: FileLock.LockType = .exclusive, _ body: () throws -> T) throws -> T
func withLock<T>(on path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, type: FileLock.LockType, blocking: Bool, _ body: () throws -> T) throws -> T
func writeFileContents(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, bytes: ByteString) throws
func writeFileContents(_ path: TSCBasic.AbsolutePath, bytes: ByteString, atomically: Bool) throws