init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
init(from decoder: any Decoder) throws
What are these?5GS5N
import _OpenAPIGeneratorCore
Invoke the core logic of the Swift OpenAPI Generator tool and plugin.
struct DocumentFilter
Rules used to filter an OpenAPI document.
protocol Decoder
A type that can decode values from a native format into in-memory representations.
init(operations: [String] = [], tags: [String] = [], paths: [OpenAPI.Path] = [], schemas: [String] = [])
Create a new DocumentFilter.
var operations: [String]?
Operations with these operation IDs will be included in the filter.
var paths: [OpenAPI.Path]?
These paths will be included in the filter.
var schemas: [String]?
These (additional) schemas will be included in the filter.
var tags: [String]?
Operations tagged with these tags will be included in the filter.
func filter(_ document: OpenAPI.Document) throws -> OpenAPI.Document
Filter an OpenAPI document.