
    Read a FileRegion in chunks of chunkSize bytes on NonBlockingFileIO’s private thread pool which is separate from any EventLoop thread.

    @preconcurrency func readChunked(fileRegion: FileRegion, chunkSize: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultChunkSize, allocator: ByteBufferAllocator, eventLoop: EventLoop, chunkHandler: @escaping (ByteBuffer) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>



    The file region to read.


    The size of the individual chunks to deliver.


    A ByteBufferAllocator used to allocate space for the chunks.


    The EventLoop to call chunkHandler on.


    Called for every chunk read. The next chunk will be read upon successful completion of the returned EventLoopFuture. If the returned EventLoopFuture fails, the overall operation is aborted.


    An EventLoopFuture which is the result of the overall operation. If either the reading of fileHandle or chunkHandler fails, the EventLoopFuture will fail too. If the reading of fileHandle as well as chunkHandler always succeeded, the EventLoopFuture will succeed too.

    chunkHandler will be called on eventLoop for every chunk that was read. Assuming fileRegion.readableBytes is greater than zero and there are enough bytes available chunkHandler will be called 1 + |_ fileRegion.readableBytes / chunkSize _| times, delivering chunkSize bytes each time. If less than fileRegion.readableBytes bytes can be read from the file, chunkHandler will be called less often with the last invocation possibly being of less than chunkSize bytes.

    The allocation and reading of a subsequent chunk will only be attempted when chunkHandler succeeds.

    This method will not use the file descriptor’s seek pointer which means there is no danger of reading from the same FileRegion in multiple threads.

    Other members in extension


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    Instance members