Static Methodswift-nio 2.72.0NIOCore
A utility function that enumerates the available network devices on this machine.
Utilities.swift:172static func enumerateDevices() throws -> [NIONetworkDevice]
An array of network devices available on this machine.
If an error is encountered while enumerating interfaces.
This function returns values that are true for a brief snapshot in time. These results can change, and the returned values will not change to reflect them. This function must be called again to get new results.
Other members in extension
Type members
static var coreCount: Int
A utility function that returns an estimate of the number of logical cores on the system available for use.
static let supportsUDPReceiveOffload: Bool
Returns true if the platform supports
.static let supportsUDPSegmentationOffload: Bool
Returns true if the platform supports
Show obsolete interfaces (1)
Hide obsolete interfaces
static func enumerateInterfaces(
) throws -> [NIONetworkInterface] A utility function that enumerates the available network interfaces on this machine.