NIO and Swift Concurrency

    This article explains how to interface between NIO and Swift Concurrency.

    NIO was created before native Concurrency support in Swift existed, hence, NIO had to solve a few problems that have solutions in the language today. Since the introduction of Swift Concurrency, NIO has added numerous features to make the interop between NIO’s Channel eventing system and Swift’s Concurrency primitives as easy as possible.

    EventLoopFuture/Promise bridges

    The first bridges that NIO introduced added methods on EventLoopFuture and EventLoopPromise to enable communication between Concurrency and NIO. These methods are get and completeWithTask(_:).

    Here is a small example of how these work:

    let eventLoop: EventLoop
    let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Bool.self)
    promise.completeWithTask {
        try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
        return true
    let result = try await promise.futureResult.get()

    Channel bridges

    The EventLoopFuture and EventLoopPromise bridges already allow async code to interact with some of NIO’s types. However, they only work where we have request-response-like interfaces. On the other hand, NIO’s Channel type contains a ChannelPipeline which can be roughly described as a bi-directional streaming pipeline. To bridge such a pipeline into Concurrency required new types. Importantly, these types need to uphold the channel’s back pressure and writability guarantees. NIO introduced the NIOThrowingAsyncSequenceProducer, NIOAsyncSequenceProducer and the NIOAsyncChannelOutboundWriter which form the foundation to bridge a Channel. On top of these foundational types, NIO provides the NIOAsyncChannel which is used to wrap a Channel to produce an interface that can be consumed directly from Swift Concurrency. The following sections cover the details of the foundational types and how the NIOAsyncChannel works.

    NIOThrowingAsyncSequenceProducer and NIOAsyncSequenceProducer

    The NIOThrowingAsyncSequenceProducer and NIOAsyncSequenceProducer are asynchronous sequences similar to Swift’s AsyncStream. Their purpose is to provide a back pressured bridge between a synchronous producer and an asynchronous consumer. These types are highly configurable and generic which makes them usable in a lot of places with very good performance; however, at the same time they are not the easiest types to hold. We recommend that you never expose them in public API but rather wrap them in your own async sequence.


    The NIOAsyncChannelOutboundWriter is used for bridging from an asynchronous producer to a synchronous consumer. It also has back pressure support which allows the consumer to stop the producer by suspending the yield(contentsOf:) method.


    The above types are used to bridge both the read and write side of a Channel into Swift Concurrency. This can be done by wrapping a Channel via the NIOAsyncChannel/init(synchronouslyWrapping:configuration:) initializer. Under the hood, this initializer adds two channel handlers to the end of the channel’s pipeline. These handlers bridge the read and write side of the channel. Additionally, the handlers work together to close the channel once both the reading and the writing have finished.

    This is how you can wrap an existing channel into a NIOAsyncChannel, consume the inbound data and echo it back outbound.

    let channel = ...
    let asyncChannel = try NIOAsyncChannel<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer>(wrappingChannelSynchronously: channel)
    try await asyncChannel.executeThenClose { inbound, outbound in
        for try await inboundData in inbound {
            try await outbound.write(inboundData)

    The above code works nicely; however, you must be very careful at what point you wrap your channel otherwise you might lose some reads. For example your channel might be created by a ServerBootstrap for a new inbound connection. The channel might start to produce reads as soon as it registered its IO which happens after your channel initializer ran. To avoid potentially losing reads the channel must be wrapped before it registered its IO. Another example is when the channel contains a handler that does protocol negotiation. Protocol negotiation handlers are usually waiting for some data to be exchanged before deciding what protocol to chose. Afterwards, they often modify the channel’s pipeline and add the protocol appropriate handlers to it. This is another case where wrapping of the Channel into a NIOAsyncChannel needs to happen at the right time to avoid losing reads.

    Asynchronous bootstrap methods

    NIO offers a multitude of bootstraps. To avoid the above problems and enable a seamless experience when using NIO from Swift Concurrency, the bootstraps gained new generic asynchronous methods.

    The next section is going to focus on how to use the methods to boostrap a TCP server and client.


    The server bootstrap is used to create a new TCP based server. Once any of the bind methods on the ServerBootstrap is called, a new listening socket is created to handle new inbound TCP connections. Let’s use the new methods to setup a TCP server and configure a NIOAsyncChannel for each inbound connection.

    let serverChannel = try await ServerBootstrap(group: eventLoopGroup)
            host: "",
            port: 1234
        ) { childChannel in
            // This closure is called for every inbound connection
            childChannel.eventLoop.makeCompletedFuture {
                return try NIOAsyncChannel<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer>(
                    synchronouslyWrapping: childChannel
    try await withThrowingDiscardingTaskGroup { group in
        try await serverChannel.executeThenClose { serverChannelInbound in
            for try await connectionChannel in serverChannelInbound {
                group.addTask {
                    do {
                        try await connectionChannel.executeThenClose { connectionChannelInbound, connectionChannelOutbound in
                            for try await inboundData in connectionChannelInbound {
                                // Let's echo back all inbound data
                                try await connectionChannelOutbound.write(inboundData)
                    } catch {
                        // Handle errors

    In the above code, we are bootstrapping a new TCP server which we assign to serverChannel. Furthermore, in the trailing closure of bind we are configuring the pipeline of each inbound connection. In our example, we are wrapping each child channel in a NIOAsyncChannel. The resulting serverChannel is a NIOAsyncChannel whose inbound type is a NIOAsyncChannel and whose outbound type is Never. This is due to the fact that each inbound connection gets its own separate child channel. The inbound and outbound types of each inbound connection is ByteBuffer as specified in the bootstrap. Afterwards, we handle each inbound connection in separate child tasks and echo the data back.


    The client bootstrap is used to create a new TCP based client. Let’s take a look how to bootstrap a TCP connection and send some data to the server.

    let clientChannel = try await ClientBootstrap(group: eventLoopGroup)
            host: "",
            port: 1234
        ) { channel in
            channel.eventLoop.makeCompletedFuture {
                return try NIOAsyncChannel<ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer>(
                    wrappingChannelSynchronously: channel
    try await clientChannel.executeThenClose { inbound, outbound in
        try await outbound.write(ByteBuffer(string: "hello"))
        for try await inboundData in inbound {

    Dynamic pipeline modifications

    The above bootstrap methods work great in the case where we know the types of the resulting channels at compile time. However, there are some scenarios where the type is only determined at runtime. Such cases include Application-Layer-Protocol-Negotiation or HTTP protocol upgrades. To support those scenarios it is essential that channel handlers that dynamically configure the pipeline carry type information which allows us to runtime to determine how the pipeline was configured at runtime. To support this NIO introduced multiple new ChannelHandler and corresponding pipeline configuration methods. Those types are:

    1. NIOTypedApplicationProtocolNegotiationHandler for TLS based ALPN

    2. NIOTypedHTTPServerUpgradeHandler and configureUpgradableHTTPServerPipeline for server-side HTTP protocol upgrades

    3. NIOTypedHTTPClientUpgradeHandler and configureUpgradableHTTPClientPipeline for client-side HTTP protocol upgrades

    All of those types have one thing in common - they are generic over the result of the dynamic pipeline configuration. This allows users to exhaustively switch over the result and correctly handle each case. The following example demonstrates how this works for a client-side websocket upgrade.

    enum UpgradeResult {
        case websocket(NIOAsyncChannel<WebSocketFrame, WebSocketFrame>)
        case notUpgraded
    let upgradeResult: EventLoopFuture<UpgradeResult> = try await ClientBootstrap(group: eventLoopGroup)
            host: "",
            port: 1234
        ) { channel in
            channel.eventLoop.makeCompletedFuture {
                // Configure the websocket upgrader
                let upgrader = NIOTypedWebSocketClientUpgrader<UpgradeResult>(
                    upgradePipelineHandler: { channel, _ in
                        // This configures the pipeline after the websocket upgrade was successful.
                        // We are wrapping the pipeline in a NIOAsyncChannel.
                        channel.eventLoop.makeCompletedFuture {
                            let asyncChannel = try NIOAsyncChannel<WebSocketFrame, WebSocketFrame>(wrappingChannelSynchronously: channel)
                            return UpgradeResult.websocket(asyncChannel)
                var headers = HTTPHeaders()
                headers.add(name: "Content-Type", value: "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
                headers.add(name: "Content-Length", value: "0")
                let requestHead = HTTPRequestHead(
                    version: .http1_1,
                    method: .GET,
                    uri: "/",
                    headers: headers
                let clientUpgradeConfiguration = NIOTypedHTTPClientUpgradeConfiguration(
                    upgradeRequestHead: requestHead,
                    upgraders: [upgrader],
                    notUpgradingCompletionHandler: { channel in
                        channel.eventLoop.makeCompletedFuture {
                            return UpgradeResult.notUpgraded
                let upgradeResult = try channel.pipeline.syncOperations.configureUpgradableHTTPClientPipeline(
                    configuration: .init(upgradeConfiguration: clientUpgradeConfiguration)
                return upgradeResult

    After having configured the pipeline to negotiate a websocket upgrade. We can switch over the the upgradeResult. Importantly, we have to await the upgradeResult first since it has to be negotiated on the connection.

    switch try await upgradeResult.get() {
    case .websocket(let websocketChannel):
        print("Handling websocket connection")
        try await self.handleWebsocketChannel(websocketChannel)
        print("Done handling websocket connection")
    case .notUpgraded:
        // The upgrade to websocket did not succeed.
        print("Upgrade declined")

    General guidance

    Where should your code live?

    Before the introduction of Swift Concurrency both implementations of network protocols and business logic were often written inside ChannelHandlers. This made it easier to get started; however, it came with some downsides. First, implementing business logic inside channel handlers requires the business logic to also handle all of the invariants that the ChannelHandler protocol brings with it. This often requires writing complex state machines. Additionally, the business logic becomes very tied to NIO and hard to port between different systems. Because of the above reasons we recommend to implement your business logic using Swift Concurrency primitives and the NIOAsyncChannel based bootstraps. Network protocol implementation should still be implemented as ChannelHandlers.