Operatorswift-nio 2.72.0NIOCore
EventLoop.swift:666static func - (lhs: NIODeadline, rhs: NIODeadline) -> TimeAmount
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Type members
static let distantFuture: NIODeadline
static let distantPast: NIODeadline
static func now(
) -> NIODeadline static func uptimeNanoseconds(UInt64
) -> NIODeadline static func + (lhs: NIODeadline, rhs: TimeAmount
) -> NIODeadline static func - (lhs: NIODeadline, rhs: TimeAmount
) -> NIODeadline static func < (lhs: NIODeadline, rhs: NIODeadline
) -> Bool static func == (lhs: NIODeadline, rhs: NIODeadline
) -> Bool static func > (lhs: NIODeadline, rhs: NIODeadline
) -> Bool
Instance members
var description: String
var uptimeNanoseconds: UInt64
The nanoseconds since boot representation of the
.func hash(into: inout Hasher