
    When the current EventLoopFuture<Value> is fulfilled, run the provided callback, which performs a synchronous computation and returns either a new value (of type NewValue) or an error depending on the Result returned by the closure.

    @preconcurrency func flatMapResult<NewValue, SomeError>(_ body: @escaping (Value) -> Result<NewValue, SomeError>) -> EventLoopFuture<NewValue> where SomeError : Error



    Function that will receive the value of this EventLoopFuture and return a new value or error lifted into a new EventLoopFuture.


    A future that will receive the eventual value.

    Operations performed in flatMapResult should not block, or they will block the entire event loop. flatMapResult is intended for use when you have a data-driven function that performs a simple data transformation that can potentially error.

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