Instance Method (Default implementation)swift-nio 2.77.0NIOCore


Default implementation of scheduleCallback(at deadline:handler:): backed by EventLoop.scheduleTask.

@discardableResult @preconcurrency func scheduleCallback(at deadline: NIODeadline, handler: some (NIOScheduledCallbackHandler & Sendable)) -> NIOScheduledCallback

Ideally the scheduled callback handler should be called exactly once for each call to scheduleCallback: either the callback handler, or the cancellation handler.

In order to support cancellation in the default implementation, we hook the future of the scheduled task backing the scheduled callback. This requires two calls to the event loop: EventLoop.scheduleTask, and EventLoopFuture.whenFailure, both of which queue onto the event loop if called from off the event loop.

This can present a challenge during event loop shutdown, where typically:

  1. Scheduled work that is past its deadline gets run.

  2. Scheduled future work gets cancelled.

  3. New work resulting from (1) and (2) gets handled differently depending on the EL: a. SelectableEventLoop runs new work recursively and crashes if not quiesced in some number of ticks. b. EmbeddedEventLoop and NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop will fail incoming work.

SelectableEventLoop has a custom implementation for scheduled callbacks so warrants no further discussion.

As a practical matter, the EmbeddedEventLoop is OK because it shares the thread of the caller, but for other event loops (including any outside this repo), it’s possible that the call to shutdown interleaves with the call to create the scheduled task and the call to hook the task future.

Because this API is synchronous and we cannot block the calling thread, users of event loops with this default implementation will have cancellation callbacks delivered on a best-effort basis when the event loop is shutdown and depends on how the event loop deals with newly scheduled tasks during shutdown.

The implementation of this default conformance has been further factored out so we can use it in NIOAsyncTestingEventLoop, where the use of wait() is less bad.