Required Instance Methodswift-nio 2.72.0NIOCore
Asserts that the current thread is the one tied to this EventLoop
. Otherwise, the process will be abnormally terminated as per the semantics of preconditionFailure(_:file:line:)
func preconditionInEventLoop(file: StaticString, line: UInt)
This method may never produce false positives or false negatives in conforming implementations. It may never terminate the process when event loop context is actually held, and it may never fail to terminate the process when event loop context is not held.
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Instance members
var executor: any SerialExecutor
Returns a
corresponding to thisEventLoop
.var inEventLoop: Bool
if the currentNIOThread
is the same as theNIOThread
that is tied to thisEventLoop
otherwise.func enqueue(consuming ExecutorJob
) Submit a job to be executed by the
func execute(@escaping () -> Void
) Submit a given task to be executed by the
func makeSucceededVoidFuture(
) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> Return a succeeded
future.func preconditionNotInEventLoop(file: StaticString, line: UInt
) Asserts that the current thread is not the one tied to this
. Otherwise, the process will be abnormally terminated as per the semantics ofpreconditionFailure(_:file:line:)
.func scheduleTask<T>(deadline: NIODeadline, @escaping () throws -> T
) -> Scheduled<T> Schedule a
that is executed by thisEventLoop
at the given time.func scheduleTask<T>(in: TimeAmount, @escaping () throws -> T
) -> Scheduled<T> Schedule a
that is executed by thisEventLoop
after the given amount of time.func submit<T>(@escaping () throws -> T
) -> EventLoopFuture<T> Submit a given task to be executed by the
. Once the execution is complete the returnedEventLoopFuture
is notified.
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func _preconditionSafeToWait(file: StaticString, line: UInt
) Must crash if it is not safe to call
on anEventLoopFuture
.func _promiseCompleted(futureIdentifier: _NIOEventLoopFutureIdentifier
) -> (file: StaticString, line: UInt)? Debug hook: complete a specific promise and return its creation location.
func _promiseCreated(futureIdentifier: _NIOEventLoopFutureIdentifier, file: StaticString, line: UInt
) Debug hook: track a promise creation and its location.
Citizens in NIOCore
Default implementations
func preconditionInEventLoop(file: StaticString, line: UInt
) Checks the necessary condition of currently running on the called
for making forward progress.