
    A Channel user event that is sent when the Channel has been asked to quiesce.

    struct ChannelShouldQuiesceEvent

    The action(s) that should be taken after receiving this event are both application and protocol dependent. If the protocol supports a notion of requests and responses, it might make sense to stop accepting new requests but finish processing the request currently in flight.

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    • protocol Channel

      A Channel is easiest thought of as a network socket. But it can be anything that is capable of I/O operations such as read, write, connect, and bind.

    • protocol MulticastChannel

      A MulticastChannel is a Channel that supports IP multicast operations: that is, a channel that can join multicast groups.

    • protocol ChannelHandler

      Base protocol for handlers that handle I/O events or intercept an I/O operation.

    • protocol ChannelOutboundHandler

      ChannelHandler which handles outbound I/O events or intercept an outbound I/O operation for a Channel.

    • protocol ChannelInboundHandler

      ChannelHandler which handles inbound I/O events for a Channel.

    • typealias ChannelDuplexHandler

      A combination of ChannelInboundHandler and ChannelOutboundHandler.

    • class ChannelHandlerContext

      Every ChannelHandler has – when added to a ChannelPipeline – a corresponding ChannelHandlerContext which is the way ChannelHandlers can interact with other ChannelHandlers in the pipeline.

    • class ChannelPipeline

      A list of ChannelHandlers that handle or intercept inbound events and outbound operations of a Channel. ChannelPipeline implements an advanced form of the Intercepting Filter pattern to give a user full control over how an event is handled and how the ChannelHandlers in a pipeline interact with each other.

    • protocol RemovableChannelHandler

      A RemovableChannelHandler is a ChannelHandler that can be dynamically removed from a ChannelPipeline whilst the Channel is operating normally. A RemovableChannelHandler is required to remove itself from the ChannelPipeline (using ChannelHandlerContext.leavePipeline) as soon as possible.

    • struct NIOAny

      NIOAny is an opaque container for values of any type, similar to Swift’s builtin Any type. Contrary to Any the overhead of NIOAny depends on the the type of the wrapped value. Certain types that are important for the performance of a SwiftNIO application like ByteBuffer, FileRegion and AddressEnvelope<ByteBuffer> can be expected to be wrapped almost without overhead. All others will have similar performance as if they were passed as an Any as NIOAny just like Any will contain them within an existential container.

    • enum ChannelEvent

      An Channel related event that is passed through the ChannelPipeline to notify the user.

    • enum CloseMode

      Specify what kind of close operation is requested.

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    • protocol Sendable

      A type whose values can safely be passed across concurrency domains by copying.

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