Instance Propertyswift-nio 2.72.0NIOCore


    Returns a view of operations which can be performed synchronously on this pipeline. All operations must be called on the event loop.

    var syncOperations: SynchronousOperations { get }

    Other members in extension


    • enum Position

      A Position within the ChannelPipeline used to insert handlers into the ChannelPipeline.

    • struct SynchronousOperations

      A view of a ChannelPipeline which may be used to invoke synchronous operations.

    Type members

    • init(channel: Channel)

      Create ChannelPipeline for a given Channel. This method should never be called by the end-user directly: it is only intended for use with custom Channel implementations. Users should always use channel.pipeline to access the ChannelPipeline for a Channel.

    Instance members

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