func resize(to size: ByteCount) async throws
s14_NIOFileSystem15WriteFileHandleV6resize2toyAA9ByteCountV_tYaKFWhat are these?
FNV24: [3E0P]
let fileHandle: FileHandle
func close(makeChangesVisible: Bool) async throws
func setTimes(lastAccess: FileInfo.Timespec?, lastDataModification: FileInfo.Timespec?) async throws
func write(contentsOf: some (Sequence<UInt8> & Sendable), toAbsoluteOffset: Int64) async throws -> Int64
import _NIOFileSystem
A file system library for Swift.
struct WriteFileHandle
Implements WritableFileHandleProtocol by making system calls to interact with the local file system.
struct ByteCount
Represents the number of bytes.
@discardableResult func write(contentsOf bytes: some (Sequence<UInt8> & Sendable), toAbsoluteOffset offset: Int64) async throws -> Int64