Instance Methodswift-nio 2.72.0_NIOFileSystem
SystemFileHandle.swift:224This declaration is gated by at least one @_spi attribute.
- iOS
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func attributeNames() async throws -> [String]
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struct Materialization
struct SendableView
The file handle may be for a non-seekable file, so it shouldn’t be ‘Sendable’, however, most of the work performed on behalf of the handle is executed in a thread pool which means that its state must be ‘Sendable’.
enum UpdatePermissionsOperation
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init(takingOwnershipOf: FileDescriptor, path: FilePath, materialization: Materialization?, threadPool: NIOThreadPool
) Creates a handle which takes ownership of the provided descriptor.
static func syncOpenWithMaterialization(atPath: FilePath, mode: FileDescriptor.AccessMode, options: FileDescriptor.OpenOptions, permissions: FilePermissions?, threadPool: NIOThreadPool, useTemporaryFileIfPossible: Bool
) -> Result<SystemFileHandle, FileSystemError>
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let sendableView: SendableView
func addPermissions(FilePermissions
) async throws -> FilePermissions func close(
) async throws func close(makeChangesVisible: Bool
) async throws func detachUnsafeFileDescriptor(
) throws -> FileDescriptor func info(
) async throws -> FileInfo func listContents(recursive: Bool
) -> DirectoryEntries func openDirectory(atPath: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Directory
) async throws -> SystemFileHandle func openFile(forReadingAndWritingAt: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Write
) async throws -> SystemFileHandle func openFile(forReadingAt: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Read
) async throws -> SystemFileHandle func openFile(forWritingAt: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Write
) async throws -> SystemFileHandle func readChunk(fromAbsoluteOffset: Int64, length: ByteCount
) async throws -> ByteBuffer func readChunks(in: Range<Int64>, chunkLength: ByteCount
) -> FileChunks func removePermissions(FilePermissions
) async throws -> FilePermissions func removeValueForAttribute(String
) async throws func replacePermissions(FilePermissions
) async throws func resize(to: ByteCount
) async throws func setTimes(lastAccess: FileInfo.Timespec?, lastDataModification: FileInfo.Timespec?
) async throws func synchronize(
) async throws func updateValueForAttribute(some (Sendable & RandomAccessCollection<UInt8>), attribute: String
) async throws func valueForAttribute(String
) async throws -> [UInt8] func withUnsafeDescriptor<R>(@escaping (FileDescriptor) throws -> R
) async throws -> R func write(contentsOf: some (Sequence<UInt8> & Sendable), toAbsoluteOffset: Int64
) async throws -> Int64