Instance Methodswift-nio 2.72.0_NIOFileSystem
Opens the file at path
for reading and returns a handle to it.
- iOS
- 13.0+
- macOS
- 10.15+
- tvOS
- 13.0+
- watchOS
- 6.0+
func openFile(forReadingAt path: FilePath) async throws -> ReadFileHandle
- path
The path of the file to open.
A readable handle to the opened file.
The file being opened must exist otherwise this function will throw a FileSystemError
with code notFound
See also
func openFile(forWritingAt: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Write
) async throws -> WriteFileHandle Opens the file at
for writing and returns a handle to it.func openFile(forReadingAndWritingAt: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Write
) async throws -> ReadWriteFileHandle Opens the file at
for reading and writing and returns a handle to it.func openDirectory(atPath: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Directory
) async throws -> DirectoryFileHandle Opens the directory at
and returns a handle to it.
Other members in extension
Instance members
func copyItem(at: FilePath, to: FilePath, shouldProceedAfterError: @escaping (_ source: DirectoryEntry, _ error: Error) async throws -> Void, shouldCopyItem: @escaping (_ source: DirectoryEntry, _ destination: FilePath) async -> Bool
) async throws Copies the item at the specified path to a new location.
func copyItem(at: FilePath, to: FilePath, strategy: CopyStrategy
) async throws Copies the item at the specified path to a new location.
func createDirectory(at: FilePath, withIntermediateDirectories: Bool
) async throws Create a directory at the given path.
func info(forFileAt: FilePath
) async throws -> FileInfo? Returns information about the file at the given path, if it exists; nil otherwise.
func openDirectory(atPath: FilePath
) async throws -> DirectoryFileHandle Opens the directory at
and returns a handle to it.func removeItem(at: FilePath
) async throws -> Int Deletes the file or directory (and its contents) at
.func withDirectoryHandle<Result>(atPath: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Directory, execute: (_ directory: DirectoryFileHandle) async throws -> Result
) async throws -> Result Opens the directory at the given path and provides scoped access to it.
func withFileHandle<Result>(forReadingAndWritingAt: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Write, execute: (_ readWrite: ReadWriteFileHandle) async throws -> Result
) async throws -> Result Opens the file at the given path and provides scoped read-write access to it.
func withFileHandle<Result>(forReadingAt: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Read, execute: (_ read: ReadFileHandle) async throws -> Result
) async throws -> Result Opens the file at the given path and provides scoped read-only access to it.
func withFileHandle<Result>(forWritingAt: FilePath, options: OpenOptions.Write, execute: (_ write: WriteFileHandle) async throws -> Result
) async throws -> Result Opens the file at the given path and provides scoped write-only access to it.
func withTemporaryDirectory<Result>(prefix: FilePath?, options: OpenOptions.Directory, execute: (_ directory: DirectoryFileHandle, _ path: FilePath) async throws -> Result
) async throws -> Result Create a temporary directory and removes it once the function returns.