Enumerationswift-nio 2.72.0_NIOFileSystem
FileSystemError+Syscall.swift:439This declaration is gated by at least one @_spi attribute.
enum ReadSyscall
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struct Code
A high level indication of the kind of error being thrown.
struct SourceLocation
A location within source code.
struct SystemCallError
An error resulting from a system call.
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static func close(error: Error, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func confstr(name: String, errno: Errno, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func copyfile(errno: Errno, from: FilePath, to: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func dup(error: Error, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func fchmod(operation: SystemFileHandle.UpdatePermissionsOperation, operand: FilePermissions, permissions: FilePermissions, errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func fcopyfile(errno: Errno, from: FilePath, to: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func fdopendir(errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func fgetxattr(attribute: String, errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func flistxattr(errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func fremovexattr(attribute: String, errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func fsetxattr(attribute: String, errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func fsync(errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func ftruncate(error: Error, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func ftsRead(errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func futimens(errno: Errno, path: FilePath, lastAccessTime: FileInfo.Timespec?, lastDataModificationTime: FileInfo.Timespec?, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func getcwd(errno: Errno, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func link(errno: Errno, from: FilePath, to: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func mkdir(errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func open(String, error: Error, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func read(usingSyscall: ReadSyscall, error: Error, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func readdir(errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func readlink(errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func remove(errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func rename(String, errno: Errno, oldName: FilePath, newName: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func sendfile(errno: Errno, from: FilePath, to: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func stat(String, errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError Create a file system error appropriate for the
system calls.static func symlink(errno: Errno, link: FilePath, target: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func unlink(errno: Errno, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError static func write(usingSyscall: WriteSyscall, error: Error, path: FilePath, location: SourceLocation
) -> FileSystemError
Instance members
var cause: Error?
An underlying error which caused the operation to fail. This may include additional details about the root cause of the failure.
var code: Code
A high-level error code to provide broad a classification.
var debugDescription: String
var description: String
var location: SourceLocation
The location from which this error was thrown.
var message: String
A message describing what went wrong and how it may be remedied.
func detailedDescription(
) -> String A detailed multi-line description of the error.
Citizens in _NIOFileSystem
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
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Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.