Instance Methodswift-nio 2.72.0_NIOFileSystem
Write the contents of the AsyncSequence
of byte chunks to the buffer.
- iOS
- 13.0+
- macOS
- 10.15+
- tvOS
- 13.0+
- watchOS
- 6.0+
@discardableResult mutating func write<Chunks>(contentsOf chunks: Chunks) async throws -> Int64 where Chunks : AsyncSequence, Chunks.Element : Sequence, Chunks.Element.Element == UInt8
- bytes
of byte chunks to write to the buffer.
The number of bytes written into the buffered writer.
If appending a chunk to the buffer causes it to exceed the capacity of the buffer then the contents of the buffer are automatically written to the file system.
To manually flush bytes use flush
Other members in extension
Instance members
var bufferedBytes: Int
The number of bytes in the buffer.
let capacity: Int
The maximum number of bytes to buffer before the buffer is automatically flushed.
func flush(
) async throws Flush any buffered bytes to the file system.
func write(contentsOf: ByteBuffer
) async throws -> Int64 Write the contents of the
into the buffer.func write(contentsOf: some Sequence<UInt8>
) async throws -> Int64 Write the contents of the collection of bytes to the buffer.
func write<Chunks>(contentsOf: Chunks
) async throws -> Int64 Write the contents of the
s into the buffer.func write<Bytes>(contentsOf: Bytes
) async throws -> Int64 Write the contents of the
of bytes the buffer.
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var bufferCapacity: Int
The capacity of the buffer.