Library Moduleswift-nio 2.72.0_NIOFileSystem


    A file system library for Swift.
    import _NIOFileSystem

    Module information



    56.3 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are fully documented31.9 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are indirectly documented11.8 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are completely undocumented


    1.7 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are global functions or variables28.2 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are initializers, type members, or enum cases43.3 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are instance members1.3 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are protocols9.7 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are protocol requirements4.2 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are default implementations9.2 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are structures0.4 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are classes2.1 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are typealiases


    69.1 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are unrestricted2.7 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are underscored28.2 percent of the declarations in _NIOFileSystem are SPI (unknown)
    Module stats and coverage details


    This module implements a file system library for Swift, providing ways to interact with and manage files. It provides a concrete FileSystem for interacting with the local file system in addition to a set of protocols for creating other file system implementations.

    _NIOFileSystem is cross-platform with the following caveats:

    • Platforms don’t have feature parity or system-level API parity. Where this is the case these implementation details are documented. One example is copying files, on Apple platforms files are cloned if possible.

    • Features may be disabled on some systems. One example is extended attributes.

    • Some types have platform specific representations. These include the following:

      • File paths on Apple platforms and Linux (e.g. "/Users/hal9000/") are different to paths on Windows ("C:\Users\hal9000").

      • Information about files is different on different platforms. See FileInfo for further details.

    A Brief Tour

    The following sample code demonstrates a number of the APIs offered by this module:

    // NIOFileSystem provides access to the local file system via the FileSystem
    // type which is available as a global shared instance.
    let fileSystem = FileSystem.shared
    // Files can be inspected by using 'info':
    if let info = try await "/Users/hal9000/demise-of-dave.txt") {
        print("demise-of-dave.txt has type '\(info.type)'")
    } else {
        print("demise-of-dave.txt doesn't exist")
    // Let's find out what's in that file.
    do {
        // Reading a whole file requires a limit. If the file is larger than the limit
        // then an error is thrown. This avoids accidentally consuming too much memory
        // if the file is larger than expected.
        let plan = try await ByteBuffer(
            contentsOf: "/Users/hal9000/demise-of-dave.txt",
            maximumSizeAllowed: .mebibytes(1)
        print("Plan for Dave's demise:", String(decoding: plan.readableBytesView, as: UTF8.self))
    } catch let error as FileSystemError where error.code == .notFound {
        // All errors thrown by the module have type FileSystemError (or
        // Swift.CancellationError). It looks like the file doesn't exist. Let's
        // create it now.
        // The code above for reading the file is shorthand for opening the file in
        // read-only mode and then reading its contents. The FileSystemProtocol
        // has a few different 'withFileHandle' methods for opening a file in different
        // modes. Let's open a file for writing, creating it at the same time.
        try await fileSystem.withFileHandle(
            forWritingAt: "/Users/hal9000/demise-of-dave.txt",
            options: .newFile(replaceExisting: false)
        ) { file in
            let plan = ByteBuffer(string: "TODO...")
            try await file.write(contentsOf: plan.readableBytesView, toAbsoluteOffset: 0)
    // Directories can be opened like regular files but they cannot be read from or
    // written to. However, their contents can be listed:
    let path: FilePath? = try await fileSystem.withDirectoryHandle(atPath: "/Users/hal9000/Music") { directory in
        for try await entry in directory.listContents() {
            if == "mp3","daisy") {
                // Found it!
                return entry.path
        // No luck.
        return nil
    if let path = path {
        print("Found file at '\(path)'")
    // The file system can also be used to perform the following operations on files
    // and directories:
    // - copy,
    // - remove,
    // - rename, and
    // - replace.
    // Here's an example of copying a directory:
    try await fileSystem.copyItem(at: "/Users/hal9000/Music", to: "/Volumes/Tardis/Music")
    // Symbolic links can also be created (and read with 'destinationOfSymbolicLink(at:)').
    try await fileSystem.createSymbolicLink(at: "/Users/hal9000/Backup", withDestination: "/Volumes/Tardis")
    // Opening a symbolic link opens its destination so in most cases there's no
    // need to read the destination of a symbolic link:
    try await fileSystem.withDirectoryHandle(atPath: "/Users/hal9000/Backup") { directory in
        // Beyond listing the contents of a directory, the directory handle provides a
        // number of other functions, many of which are also available on regular file
        // handles.
        // This includes getting information about a file, such as its permissions, last access time,
        // and last modification time:
        let info = try await
        print("The directory has permissions '\(info.permissions)'")
        // Where supported, the extended attributes of a file can also be accessed, read, and modified:
        for attribute in try await directory.attributeNames() {
            let value = try await directory.valueForAttribute(attribute)
            print("Extended attribute '\(attribute)' has value '\(value)'")
        // Once this closure returns the file system will close the directory handle freeing
        // any resources required to access it such as file descriptors. Handles can also be opened
        // with the 'openFile' and 'openDirectory' APIs but that places the onus you to close the
        // handle at an appropriate time to avoid leaking resources.

    In depth documentation can be found in the following sections.

    Interacting with the Local File System

    File and Directory Information

    Reading Files

    Writing Files

    Listing Directories


    FileSystemError is the only top-level error type thrown by the package (apart from Swift’s CancellationError).

    Creating a File System

    Custom file system’s can be created by implementing FileSystemProtocol which depends on a number of other protocols. These include the following:



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    • struct ByteCount

      Represents the number of bytes.

    • struct CopyStrategy

      How to perform copies. Currently only relevant to directory level copies when using copyItem(at:to:strategy:shouldProceedAfterError:shouldCopyItem:) or other overloads that use the default behaviour

    • enum OpenOptions

      Options for opening file handles.

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