Enumerationswift-mongodb 0.27.0MongoBuiltins->Mongo
Mongo.UpdateEncoder.swift:139@frozen enum Pull
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enum Arithmetic
enum ArrayUnion
enum Assignment
enum Bit
enum CurrentDate
enum Pop
enum Reduction
enum Rename
enum Unset
Takes a document and removes the specified fields. Not to be confused with the
aggregation pipeline stage, which can take a field path directly.
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) -> Replacement? We generally do not use
to type documents, because there are many document-typed things that do not declare a coding key type. However, in this case, we useBSONDocumentEncodable
and not justBSONEncodable
because you should only ever be using this with something that has aCodingKey
.subscript(Arithmetic, (inout Mongo.UpdateFieldsEncoder<Arithmetic>) -> ()
) -> Void subscript(ArrayUnion, (inout Mongo.UpdateFieldsEncoder<ArrayUnion>) -> ()
) -> Void subscript(Assignment, (inout Mongo.UpdateFieldsEncoder<Assignment>) -> ()
) -> Void subscript(CurrentDate, (inout Mongo.UpdateFieldsEncoder<CurrentDate>) -> ()
) -> Void subscript(Bit, (inout Mongo.UpdateFieldsEncoder<Bit>) -> ()
) -> Void subscript(Pop, (inout Mongo.UpdateFieldsEncoder<Pop>) -> ()
) -> Void subscript(Pull, (inout Mongo.UpdateFieldsEncoder<Pull>) -> ()
) -> Void subscript(Unset, (inout Mongo.UpdateFieldsEncoder<Unset>) -> ()
) -> Void subscript(Rename, (inout Mongo.UpdateFieldsEncoder<Rename>) -> ()
) -> Void subscript(Reduction, (inout Mongo.UpdateFieldsEncoder<Reduction>) -> ()
) -> Void func move(
) -> BSON.Output
Citizens in MongoBuiltins
protocol BitwiseCopyable
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Hashable
A type that can be hashed into a
to produce an integer hash value.protocol RawRepresentable<RawValue>
A type that can be converted to and from an associated raw value.
protocol Sendable
protocol UpdateValueOperator
A value operator is an update operator that encodes a document that can contain fields of arbitrary
types. It has no requirements, as it only exists to gate the subscripts ofUpdateFieldsEncoder
Type members
Type features
static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.