Enumeration Caseswift-mongodb 0.27.0MongoClusters->Mongo
The update was not incorporated into the topology. This can happen synchronously, because it did not have a whitelisted host name, or asynchronously, because a concurrent task pruned the relevant server, and the pruning raced the update. In either case, the initiator of the update should stop monitoring the server.
Mongo.TopologyUpdateResult.swift:14case rejected
Other cases
case accepted
The update was incorporated into the topology. The initiator of the update should continue monitoring the relevant server, even if the purpose of the update was to invalidate the server.
case dropped
The update was not incorporated into the topology, because of an invalid state transition. This usually happens when a concurrent task tries to invalidate a server, and the invalidation raced a topology monitor update. The initiator of the update should continue monitoring the server.