Structureswift-mongodb 0.27.0MongoBuiltins->Mongo
Mongo.ReduceDocument.swift:6@frozen struct ReduceDocument
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protocol EncodableDocument
is nothing more than a type that supports aninit(with:)
builder API.protocol EncodableList
is nothing more than a type that supports aninit(with:)
builder API.protocol PipelineEncodable
protocol PipelineStreamable
protocol PredicateConfigurable<PredicateArgument>
protocol PredicateEncodable
protocol ProjectionEncodable<CodingKey>
protocol ProjectionOperatorEncodable
protocol SortDirection
protocol UpdateValueOperator
A value operator is an update operator that encodes a document that can contain fields of arbitrary
types. It has no requirements, as it only exists to gate the subscripts ofUpdateFieldsEncoder
struct Accumulator
struct BucketAutoDocument
struct BucketAutoEncoder
struct BucketDocument
struct BucketEncoder
struct BucketOutputDocument
struct BucketOutputEncoder
enum Change<Delta>
struct ChangeEvent<Delta>
struct ChangeEventIdentifier
struct ChangeStreamEncoder
struct ChangeTruncatedArray<Field>
struct CollectionStatsDocument
struct CurrentOperationDocument
struct EmptyDocument
A type that can be used to expect an empty document. Decoding from a non-empty document (or a value that is not a document at all) will throw an error.
struct Expression
struct ExpressionEncoder
struct FacetDocument<CodingKey>
struct FacetEncoder<CodingKey>
struct FilterDocument
Not to be confused with
.enum GroupBy
struct GroupDocument
struct IdentityDocument<ID>
An generic document model that can be used to extract the
field of a document. This type is suitable for unsharded collections only.struct LatencyStatsDocument
struct LetDocument
struct LetEncoder
struct List<Element, Encodable>
struct LookupDocument
struct LookupEncoder
struct MapDocument
struct MergeDocument
enum MergeInsertMode
enum MergeUpdateMode
struct Pipeline
struct PipelineEncoder
struct PredicateDocument
Not to be confused with
.struct PredicateEncoder
struct PredicateList
struct PredicateListEncoder
struct PredicateOperator
struct PredicateOperatorEncoder
enum PreferredNumbers
struct ProjectionDocument<CodingKey>
struct ProjectionEncoder<CodingKey>
enum ProjectionMetadata
struct ProjectionOperator
struct ProjectionOperatorEncoder
struct SampleDocument
struct SetDocument<CodingKey>
struct SetEncoder<CodingKey>
struct SetListEncoder
struct SortArrayDocument
enum SortAscending
enum SortBy
enum SortDescending
struct SortDocument<CodingKey>
struct SortEncoder<CodingKey>
enum SortMetadata
struct SortOperator
struct SortOperatorEncoder
struct StorageStatsDocument
struct SwitchBranch
struct SwitchBranches
struct SwitchDocument
struct UnionWithDocument
struct UnwindDocument
struct UpdateArray
struct UpdateArrayEncoder
enum UpdateBitwiseOperator
struct UpdateDocument
struct UpdateEncoder
struct UpdateFields<Operator>
struct UpdateFieldsEncoder<Operator>
enum UpdatePosition
struct ZipDocument
Citizens in MongoBuiltins
protocol BSONDecodable
A type that can be decoded from a BSON variant value backed by some type of storage not particular to the decoded type.
protocol BSONEncodable
A type that can be encoded to a BSON variant value.
protocol BSONRepresentable<BSONRepresentation>
protocol EncodableDocument
is nothing more than a type that supports aninit(with:)
builder API.protocol Sendable