subscript(key: Metatype) -> [BSON.AnyType]? { get set }
s5MongoAAO0A8BuiltinsE24PredicateOperatorEncoderVySay7BSONABI4BSONO7AnyTypeOGSgAE8MetatypeOcipWhat are these?
FNV24: [6L6UT]
enum Binary
enum Exists
enum Metatype
enum Mod
enum Regex
enum Variadic
init(consuming BSON.Output)
static var frame: BSON.DocumentFrame
subscript(Regex) -> BSON.Regex?
subscript(Metatype) -> BSON.AnyType?
subscript(Exists) -> Bool?
subscript<Divisor, Remainder>(Mod) -> (by: Divisor?, is: Remainder?)
subscript<Encodable>(Binary) -> Encodable?
subscript<Encodable>(Variadic) -> Encodable?
func move() -> BSON.Output
import MongoBuiltins
import Mongo
A single-type module that declares the Mongo namespace.
@frozen struct PredicateOperatorEncoder
enum Mongo
@frozen enum Metatype
@frozen enum BSON
The namespace for all BSON types.
@frozen enum AnyType
A BSON metatype. The raw value of this enumeration is the type code of the associated case in BSON’s ABI.
init(_ output: consuming BSON.Output)
static var frame: BSON.DocumentFrame { get }
subscript(key: Regex) -> BSON.Regex? { get set }
subscript(key: Metatype) -> BSON.AnyType? { get set }
subscript(key: Exists) -> Bool? { get set }
subscript<Divisor, Remainder>(key: Mod) -> (by: Divisor?, is: Remainder?) where Divisor : BSONEncodable, Remainder : BSONEncodable { get set }
subscript<Encodable>(key: Binary) -> Encodable? where Encodable : BSONEncodable { get set }
subscript<Encodable>(key: Variadic) -> Encodable? where Encodable : BSONEncodable { get set }
consuming func move() -> BSON.Output
@frozen enum Binary
@frozen enum Exists
@frozen enum Mod
@frozen enum Regex
@frozen enum Variadic