Structureswift-mongodb 0.27.0MongoQL->Mongo
Retrieves information about collections (including collection-views) in a database.
Mongo.ListCollections.swift:23struct ListCollections<Element> where Element : BSONDecodable, Element : Sendable
can return either collection names only (CollectionBinding
) or full collection metadata (CollectionMetadata
). The name-only mode requires less synchronization on the server-side.
has no single-batch mode, it only supports cursor iteration.
only supports filtering, it does not support sorting or projection.
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View members
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This section is hidden by default because it contains too many (66) members.
protocol HintableEncoder<Hint>
protocol ModificationEffect
protocol ModificationPhase
protocol ReadEffect
protocol SortableEncoder<Sort>
protocol WriteEffect
struct Aggregate<Effect>
struct Collation
struct CollectionBinding
struct CollectionMetadata
struct CollectionOptions
Collection options.
struct CollectionStats
enum CollectionType
struct CollectionView
struct Create<Mode>
Explicitly creates a collection or view.
struct CreateIndexStatement
struct CreateIndexStatementEncoder
struct CreateIndexes
struct CreateIndexesResponse
struct DatabaseMetadata
Information about a MongoDB database.
struct Delete<Effect>
enum DeleteLimit
struct DeleteListEncoder<Effect>
enum DeleteOne
struct DeleteResponse
struct DeleteStatementEncoder<Effect>
struct Deletions
Stores information about a delete operation.
struct Drop
struct DropDatabase
Drops the current database, deleting its contents.
struct DropIndexes
enum Existing<Document>
struct Explain<Command>
enum ExplainMode
enum ExplainOnly
struct Find<Effect>
struct FindAndModify<Effect>
struct Fsync
struct FsyncLock
Information about a MongoDB
lock.struct FsyncUnlock
struct IndexBinding
struct Insert
Inserts one or more documents and returns a document containing the status of all inserts.
struct InsertListEncoder
struct InsertResponse
struct Insertions
Stores information about an insert operation.
struct ListDatabases
Lists all existing databases along with basic statistics about them. This command must run against the
database.struct ListIndexes<Element>
command.enum Many
struct Modify<Mode>
Modifies collection settings.
enum One
enum RemovePhase
enum Removing<Document>
struct RenameCollection
enum Single<Element>
enum SingleBatch<Element>
enum SingleOutputError
struct Timeseries
struct Update<Effect, ID>
struct UpdateListEncoder<Effect>
enum UpdatePhase
struct UpdateResponse<ID>
struct UpdateStatementEncoder<Effect>
struct Updates<ID>
Stores information about an update operation.
enum Upserting<Value, ID>
enum ValidationAction
enum ValidationLevel
struct WriteError
Citizens in MongoQL
Instance members
Citizens in MongoQL
where Element:BSONDecodable, Element:Sendable
protocol Command<Response>
A type that represents a MongoDB command. All public command types (and command protocols) ultimately inherit from this protocol.
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol Escapable
typealias ExecutionPolicy
supports retryable reads.typealias Response
Type members
Instance members
Instance features
Citizens in MongoQL
where Element == Mongo.CollectionBinding
Type members
Citizens in MongoQL
where Element == Mongo.CollectionMetadata
Type members
Available in MongoDB
where Element:BSONDecodable, Element:Sendable
protocol ImplicitSessionCommand<Response>
A type that can encode a MongoDB command that can be run as part of a session, which can be implicitly generated if the command is sent to a deployment at large.
protocol IterableCommand<Element>
protocol TransactableCommand<Response>
Instance members
Type features
static var autocommits: Bool
Indicates if this command autocommits, meaning it supports retryable writes.