Structureswift-mongodb 0.27.0MongoQL->Mongo
Mongo.InsertResponse.swift:6struct InsertResponse
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protocol HintableEncoder<Hint>
protocol ModificationEffect
protocol ModificationPhase
protocol ReadEffect
protocol SortableEncoder<Sort>
protocol WriteEffect
struct Aggregate<Effect>
struct Collation
struct CollectionBinding
struct CollectionMetadata
struct CollectionOptions
Collection options.
struct CollectionStats
enum CollectionType
struct CollectionView
struct Create<Mode>
Explicitly creates a collection or view.
struct CreateIndexStatement
struct CreateIndexStatementEncoder
struct CreateIndexes
struct CreateIndexesResponse
struct DatabaseMetadata
Information about a MongoDB database.
struct Delete<Effect>
enum DeleteLimit
struct DeleteListEncoder<Effect>
enum DeleteOne
struct DeleteResponse
struct DeleteStatementEncoder<Effect>
struct Deletions
Stores information about a delete operation.
struct Drop
struct DropDatabase
Drops the current database, deleting its contents.
struct DropIndexes
enum Existing<Document>
struct Explain<Command>
enum ExplainMode
enum ExplainOnly
struct Find<Effect>
struct FindAndModify<Effect>
struct Fsync
struct FsyncLock
Information about a MongoDB
lock.struct FsyncUnlock
struct IndexBinding
struct Insert
Inserts one or more documents and returns a document containing the status of all inserts.
struct InsertListEncoder
struct Insertions
Stores information about an insert operation.
struct ListCollections<Element>
Retrieves information about collections (including collection-views) in a database.
struct ListDatabases
Lists all existing databases along with basic statistics about them. This command must run against the
database.struct ListIndexes<Element>
command.enum Many
struct Modify<Mode>
Modifies collection settings.
enum One
enum RemovePhase
enum Removing<Document>
struct RenameCollection
enum Single<Element>
enum SingleBatch<Element>
enum SingleOutputError
struct Timeseries
struct Update<Effect, ID>
struct UpdateListEncoder<Effect>
enum UpdatePhase
struct UpdateResponse<ID>
struct UpdateStatementEncoder<Effect>
struct Updates<ID>
Stores information about an update operation.
enum Upserting<Value, ID>
enum ValidationAction
enum ValidationLevel
struct WriteError
Citizens in MongoQL
protocol BSONDecodable
A type that can be decoded from a BSON variant value backed by some type of storage not particular to the decoded type.
protocol BSONDocumentDecodable<CodingKey>
A type that can be decoded from a BSON dictionary-decoder.
protocol Copyable
A type whose values can be implicitly or explicitly copied.
protocol Equatable
A type that can be compared for value equality.
protocol Escapable
protocol Sendable
Type members
init(bson: BSON.DocumentDecoder<BSON.Key>
) throws init(inserted: Int, writeConcernError: WriteConcernError?, writeErrors: [WriteError]
Instance members
let inserted: Int
let writeConcernError: WriteConcernError?
let writeErrors: [WriteError]
func insertions(
) throws -> Mongo.Insertions Throws a
if one took place, or the firstWriteError
that took place if no write concern error took place.
Type features
init(bson: BSON.AnyValue
) throws init(bson: BSON.Document
) throws static func != (lhs: Self, rhs: Self
) -> Bool Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.