init(arrayLiteral: String...)
s5MongoAAO0A13ConfigurationE3DNSV12arrayLiteralAESSd_tcfcWhat are these?
FNV24: [D828]
init(dictionaryLiteral: (String, Int)...)
static subscript(`Self`) -> Mongo.SeedingMethod
let host: Host
import MongoConfiguration
import Mongo
A single-type module that declares the Mongo namespace.
@frozen struct DNS
Under this discovery mode, the driver will query a domain name server to obtain a list of MongoDB servers. This type also serves as a namespace for DNS-related functionality.
enum Mongo
@frozen struct String
A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
init(_ host: Host)
static subscript(seed: `Self`) -> Mongo.SeedingMethod { get }